Monday, April 10, 2006

Family comes, friends come and i love apples

mark and maddie
my uncle mark came into town on tues (4/4) and hung out till sat (4/8) maddie came into town fri (4/7). maddie stays here till easter and i love it. it is just so nice to be loved and cared for by these people who are crazy about me. i laugh they laugh. i cry they say "aaaaawwwwhhhhh". its crazy, they even like it when i pull there hair, poke them in the eye, and sneeze on them.

this is my buddy tim.
i heard i met him in jersey, but i don't remember any of that "in the womb" buisness. he lives in houston now and encourages me to think deeply.

Oyeah, I like apples a lot. z


Blogger jane. said...

* i like the gala apple kind.

8:31 PM

Blogger Jason Warren Griffice said...

I think Fuji is better!

2:44 PM


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