Monday, April 10, 2006

Family comes, friends come and i love apples

mark and maddie
my uncle mark came into town on tues (4/4) and hung out till sat (4/8) maddie came into town fri (4/7). maddie stays here till easter and i love it. it is just so nice to be loved and cared for by these people who are crazy about me. i laugh they laugh. i cry they say "aaaaawwwwhhhhh". its crazy, they even like it when i pull there hair, poke them in the eye, and sneeze on them.

this is my buddy tim.
i heard i met him in jersey, but i don't remember any of that "in the womb" buisness. he lives in houston now and encourages me to think deeply.

Oyeah, I like apples a lot. z

God gave me a new CAR

my parents have been praying for a second car and God answered loud and clear with a resounding, "Here you go!" new friends greg and abby gave us a 1997 toyota corrolla that runs like a dream, purs like a kitten and handles like it's on rails. i love it, love it, love it. thank you greg and abby! thank you God for putting greg and abby in our lives. just in case you want to see what they look like. they are the ones in the Duke hats.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I like to Swim

i heard my uncle andrew likes to swim too. i can't wait till we get to swim together. its been hot as a camels big toe out here in texas. the water is fine, come on in with me.