Monday, March 27, 2006

Zeke loves Mommy

this is a picture of my room, one of my favorite hang outs. here's my routine; in the early morning (5-6am depending on how i feel) i scream a little bit, mom comes in, i giggle and bounce around in my crib till she picks me up, we go downstairs, eat a little breakfast around 8am, i take a little nap, wake up and play a little bit, eat lunch at 12pm, nap, head to the pool for a dip, nap, eat dinner around 6pm, play a little on the floor, and scream myself to sleep around 8pm. one constant is my mom's love, thanks mom.


Zeke was born August 18th, Summit New Jersey. Two weeks later he was on a plane to California. Two weeks after that he was on a plane to San Antonio TX. Since then he has moved only once and that was into his first room. He likes to travel, read, and slobber. He is grateful to God for all prayers and support he has recieved from his grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.