Tuesday, March 09, 2010

First artcle Zeke actually writes

The electric company show is my favorite. Everything in the world. Spiderman. or dot com. I am four and a half... and also driving cars, and airplanes. I'm riding airplanes. The lolly pop. I would like to say hi to... bianca, and jason & lauryn duck, mina, zeke (myself) and dad. Everything i like in the whole world. love you zeke Jn 13:45 (this is great grandpa Curt)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been a while

I forgot all about these blogs. We have two children now and I no longer am a college director in San Antonio. I am working back in Newport Beach CA. My wife is still amazing. Zeke is growing into an amazing boy. Elsie is a cute, pudgy baby that smiles a lot. I'll put a picture up and change all the other blogs asap.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One Year at a Time

it looks like my dad is never going keep this thing up to date. one year.... really dad! I'm having a great life. i've been praying for my parents to adopt me a brother or sister. they are a little slow. mom is super student and dad's... well he's dad. (on the down low; he's a little lazy). i'm in cali and livin it up. can't wait for aunt maddie to marry ryan, can't wait to be back together as a complete family, can't wait for my real teeth.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Letter From Dad

Zeke is out in California where I will be joining him this Thursday. I have been looking at photos and videos for the last hour and i miss him terribly. I believe i miss his laugh the most. We will be baptizing him this Friday @ Corona Del Mar 11am if you want to see the most beautiful child there ever was in person. -Z's dad Jason

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

i got a hair cut

my dad tells me of a time when his dad gave him a hair cut. the results are similar. thank God its hot in texas.

Some call me Bono

i like being cool. to quote one of my favorite adds "don't hate me because i'm beautiful" z

i like cameras

i have a little energy. last weekend my parents brought me to a marriage conference and stuck me in the nursery all day. it was cool, i took the opportunity to get to know my peers (i brought a couple of fringe kids to christ before lunch). anyway, the ladies were having a little trouble getting me down for a nap. they put me in another room with all the lights out and put some "calming" music on. they came back to check on me and i was dancing in the room by myself. can't hold me back!!! z

I like spaghetti

When i eat, i try and get the food near my mouth. sometimes i miss.

Growing up quick

I'm a year and half now and I love the words clock, dada, bia, hot, bye. I just learned to kiss.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Finally I'm back at my computer

I have been really busy lately. My dad changed positions at work and my mom is taking classes like crazy. I've started walking and talking ("got it dad" is my favorite phrase thus far). I went to cali for thanksgiving and had a blast with my family. I got another cold that i'm just now getting over. Can u believe that? Now i am on this fog machine taking pulmacort (sp?) to fight off this junk. I sure hope it works cause waking my parents up every 4 hours is getting old. (don't tell anyone but my dad looks really silly at 4am). I'll post a picture later today, i just wanted to get some thoughts down on paper. z

Monday, July 17, 2006

CA Summer 06

I love my uncle Andrew. he can really make me laugh!

Here I am enjoying my boat ride to Catalina. I've got the sea in my blood! It was great to see the place that my great-grandparents McAnlis loved so much. I loved it too!